Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Pit

I work at a large retail establishment and one of my bonus is I get the honor to purchase some items at a discount. It is spring here in the mid-west United States and one our favorite things to do in spring, summer and fall is BBQing. Last year I had planned to purchase a new BBQ but the money never materialized so I was satisfied with my small old BBQ.

I walked into our store a few weeks back and there in our Garden center was a beautiful Brinkman Smoker BBQ which on some websites lists for $377 and there it was in our store at $177. Have you ever feeling you get when something catches your eye? That tug that says "I want you!". I got it that morning. I usually have a fairly cheap pocket book and I do not get caught up in wanting things. But.....

Thursday was my day off and my wife, Kat, said why don't you drive the Jeep today and go get that Smoker/BBQ that now is marked down to $158. I did not hesitate, I did not shower, I grabbed the keys and off I went heading to our store just 17 miles from our driveway.

I pulled up in front of the Garden Center and headed right in and to my delight there it was. Oh what a sight! I guided my friends of the Garden Center to the Brinkman and proudly told them how I was there to purchase it. One, I will call him, Hy, grabbed the price ticket and headed for the checkout counter. He placed it there and told as soon as he returns from the morning meeting he would ring me up. Wow, with my discount I would be saving lots of dollars! While I waited I went over to the Grocery Center and browsed the seasonings for some meat rub. Once I found what I wanted I headed back to the Garden Center and as I turned the corner I saw them. Two men with their grubby hands on my Smoker/BBQ. I could not believe what was about to happen as they rolled it up to the check out counter and proudly proclaimed they were ready to purchase the Brinkman! They did just that along with slabs of meat and BBQ bricks and wood.

How do you know you are lusting and coveting something? When you have that look I had and the feelings I felt. It struck me as they walked away for a brief moment because I honestly thought about grabbing that Smoker and running to the front chekout.

The purpose of this post is to wake some of you up to the same feelings you have for a house, a car, a set of new golf clubs, a woman, etc. It is sin and it takes your attention away from what is really important in life. I believe God used Thursday morning to wake me and then stirred in me this post to wake you up. It is your chocie either continue in conveting and lusting or discover the blessing God has for you for turning from them.

Today I walked into our store and the Garden Cneter manger showed me a smaller Smoker/BBQ which is just as solid and is perfect for my wife and I at half the price. Not only did God wake me up but He provided the perfect Smoker for us in the process at half the price! Try Him and see what He will do for you. It may not be a fancier car, or a bigger house or that beautiful woman but it will be just exactly what is best for you.


Jason The Bald Guy said...


Great post... it is really easy to get caught up in the "bigger better" game...our entire society is in turmoil because everybody wants what they don't have...

thanks for being so honest and sharing this.

Anonymous said...

As we were walking away Thursday evening and you were telling this story, Im not sure if I said it out loud but, in my head I said that He had something better suited for your needs, in store. Think of how much more sweet meat can come off that smoker with the saved monies.