Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Principle of Shepherding as a Ranchers and Breaking Barriers

In this post I will not be using any scriptures but some real life examples to prove my point.

I believe the Kingdom of God is built by Shepherds and Ranchers doing what God made them for and without fear of who gets the credit for the outcome. I need first to explain what the words Shepherds and Ranchers mean to me.

A Shepherd very simply is a leader who looks over his or her flock and cares for them personally. He or she sees a problem and they take care of it using all of the skills they have and reaching deep into the pocket of the Holy Spirit for those they do not have.

A Rancher very simply is a leader who looks over his or her flock by involving others personally in the care of them. He or she sees a problem and assess who in the body has the best Spiritual Gift to care for the situation.

Both know that it is the Holy Spirit that gets the credit for the good that is done and they direct focus to Jesus not to themselves.

Now for a couple of examples of what can happen when a Shepherd cares for the flock and what can happen when a Shepherd develops into a Rancher.

The Shepherd: When I went through my divorce in 1984 I found myself homeless and lived in my car for several weeks. A deacon in the church I was attending discovered I was homeless and invited me to come live with him and his wife as I got back on my feet. It was a difficult time for me and through his loving care and encouragement I was able to get back on my feet. Dick Mann is an example of a true Shepherd and has made an impact on my life. Today Dick writes a blog on a subject that he is passionate about. Rick's Cultural of Life
The Rancher: The following story is about a man who is the founding pastor of a growing church in Raytown, MO and it all began with an idea for a Wild at Heart group for men at his church. The man went to one of the leaders of the men's ministry and suggested the group. He was asked by the leader one question:  "What was needed to do the group?" The man replied the Wild at Heart kit and a leader. The next Sunday the leader approached the man and asked him the same question. After hearing the answer the leader handed him the kit and asked the question again. When the man replied a leader was needed and leader replied whoever holds the kit is the leader. From that little act of leadership the following story developed.

The Kingdom of God is built by men like these. They either shepherd the flock in a personal way with care and love of Jesus or they shepherd the flock through utilitizing the Spiritual Gifts the Holy Spirit has given to others in the same way Jesus did. They are the marks of the true Christian leaders.

Suggested reading about Shepherds and Ranchers:
How To Break Through the 200-300 Barrier by Rick Warren

Shepherds and Ranchers by Mike Gerhardt
I know Pastors who had not learned the valuable principle of becoming a Rancher and have not been able to break out of being a small church even though they have the desire and vision.

I encourage you to become a Shepherd and every now and then try being a Rancher by releasing others to service.  In his book, "Becoming a Leader" Miles Munroe says this "Effective Leadership Makes Itself Increasingly Unnecessary." and "You are a successful leader when your followers can lead others."


Ann Voskamp @Holy Experience said...

As a farmer's wife, I very much appreciated this metaphor....

Thank you...

All's grace,

Over the Road Coffee said...

Ann, It is always inspiring to me that God will use one of my posts to bless another person. I try to use words that will appeal to many different types of people. This particular post is about one of the experiences I personally had and that helped me grow the most as a leader. Thank you for leaving a comment you blessed me by doing so. Larry