Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome to 2011

Many people make new year resolutions and almost all fail to even begin to achieve them. What happens is people get discouraged because their goal is SO LARGE.

I want to encourage you not to make some grand goal and then find yourself at the end of next week embarrassed that you even made it. I instead encourage you to make weekly goals that are achievable each week. Expand them each week building on the week before. By the end of 2011 I believe you will have achieved a lot more than you would have setting many goals at the beginning of the year.

My goal next week is to finish one chapter of the book I am writing. If I follow that plan I should have the book completed in twelve weeks and ready to hand to my editor. Then hopefully by March 2011 it will be ready to head for publication.

What is your goal next week?

Happy New Year

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