Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Monday, June 21, 2010


     Yesterday all across the United States of America people celebrated a day honoring their father. Meals were shared and Cards and gifts were given in most households. With this post I want to stir in you good and bad memories of your father. I hope that most of the memories are good ones but let's be honest no father is perfect and there will also be some bad memories.
     In my own life I know that I have made some really bad mistakes which hurt my children. I was not an abuser but having an addictive personality and my fear of abandonment I tended to hide myself in a fantasy world. I often spent my time playing games on the computer or not talking. Those traits still affect the relationship I have with my children.
     I also did some things right. I often found ways to show love to my daughter like placing candy kisses on her pillow or giving her cards for no particular reason. I would guess you would have to ask my children for those things they feel I did right.
     Enough about me. I know that many of you have been hurt by the actions of your dads. They were alcoholics, work-a-holics, abusive, angry, or distant. I want you to consider something about them but do so without disregarding how they were. Consider what caused them to be the man they were. What wounds did they have in their lives that drove them to be alcoholics, abusive, angry and distant. What caused them to be who they were is not an excuse for how they treated you but it will help you understand why.
     Consider your own life why are you like you are. If you will do this I believe you will find that you are like you are because of events in your life that control you. That is exactly what caused your dad to be like they were.
     The good news is that cycle can be broken beginning with you. Yes it is too late for you to do anything about the past but you can begin to tackle those wounds in your life so that today and tomorrow will be different.
     I know today I am not the man who I was just a few short years ago. I still struggle with some things like playing games on the computer but I am getting better.
     Here is the really good news: Hebrews 13: 5-6 Don't be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you," we can boldly quote, God is there, ready to help; I'm fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?
     We often look at God through the eyes of the pain our father's caused. We accept or reject Him because of the actions of our dads.
     If you are a dad who is struggling with wounds caused by your dad and ones that have affected how you have fathered your children I encourage you to sit down with your heavenly Father and ask Him to help you first forgive your dad and second to heal your emotional wounds so that you can bring this cycle of bad fatherhood to an end.
     If this post has stirred old hurts in your life now is the time to deal with them. Forgiving does not mean ignoring what took place. Forgiving is laying it all at the feet of Jesus and asking Him to help you deal with the wounds so that you can be the one who breaks the cycle of pain.
     If you are willing to take these steps I encourage you to do something before you do anything else. Either go out and get your dad a card or write him a letter or send him an email letting him know how important he is to you and that beginning today life will be different.


Unknown said...

I just gave my late Father what I believe he deserves. I went back to our now uninhabited but still well-cared ancestral family house and arranged a prayer time and party to remember him on his 97th birthday last July 12 with relatives. It was great! You're a wonderful father yourself. God Bless you!

Over the Road Coffee said...

Wow, posts like the one above mean the world to me. Some people ask why I write a blog and nothing can say it better than the comment above.

I am nothing more than what the Holy Spirit makes of me.

Thank you the encouraging words.