Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ever wish you were someone else?

Have you ever wished you were someone else or had the things someone else has? I remember watching one of my neighbors and catching myself kind of wishing I was able to do some of the things he does. Then I was reminded of this story I read in a book:

In those days, and later as a young man, I used to try to picture in my imagination the feelings and ambitions of a white boy with absolutely no limit placed upon his aspirations and activities. I used to envy the white boy who had no obstacles placed in the way of his becoming a Congressman, Governor, Bishop, or President by reason of the accident of his birth or race. I used to picture the way that I would act under such circumstances; how I would begin at the bottom and keep rising until I reached the highest round of success.

In later years, I confess that I do not envy the white boy as I once did. I have learned success is to be measured not so much by position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. Looked at from this standpoint, I almost reach the conclusion that often the Negro boy's birth and connection with an unpopular race is an advantage, so far as real life is concerned. With few exceptions, the Negro youth must work harder and must perform his tasks even better than a white youth in order to secure recognition. But out of the hard and unusual struggle through which he is compelled to pass, he gets a strength, a confidence, that one misses whose pathway is comparatively smooth by reason of birth and race.

From that point of view, I would rather be what I am, a member of the Negro race, than be able to claim membership with the most favoured of any other race. -- Booker T. Washington

It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ,...he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. Ephesians 1: 11 (The Message)

When I consider what Booker T. wrote and what Paul wrote in Ephesians I must stop and thank God for what I do have and not be worried about what I don't have. Be thankful for the life God has given me and the opportunities I have because of who I belong to and not be concerned about what God has blessed others with.

I have to admit that when I finished pastoral training I fell into jealousy of what some other guys and gals were being called to do. I forgot what God called me to do and what He has made me for. I have a calling that I am adequately equipped and gifted for. I forgot to be thankful for what I He has called me to do. One day I picked up "Up From Slavery" by Booker T. Washington and the Holy Spirit woke me up.

My question for you is: "Are you looking at some other person's blessing instead of yours?" God has gifted you for what He wants you to do. What is that special thing about you that He wants you to use in service to others?



Anonymous said...

Interesting question. I have thought about this very thing MANY times in my life and the answer has always been NO. I've never wanted to be anyone except me - at the best possible set of conditions.

I've erred; made many mistakes. I've hurt people - including myself. I've been a jerk, even. But I've never wanted to leave who I am behind; I feel like my whole life has been about going TOWARD who I am; getting ever closer to the true essence of what I've been made to be.

I am so thankful for so many things it would be silly to start that list here. Suffice is to say that I AM a THANKFUL human being. And I look for ways to express that more fully and more appropriately as every step along the way.

But today, by coincidence, maybe, or mayby because it is in fact the day of Thanksgiving, let me just say that at this moment what has really occurred to me is how thankful I am to be ME. To have been made to be who and what I am. To have my special set of qualities and abilities.

I am one of those who believes that in loving and appreciating myself, I am loving and appreciating my family, my friends, my country, and God. I am not independent of the above - I am a result of them.

And I am really thrilled to just BE, today.

THANK YOU so much!


Over the Road Coffee said...

I am so thankful for my children. They each grown to be people who are somewhat like their dad but yet very much themselves.

The above was written by my son and I am proud of him.