Welcome to REAL Men RoCK

This blog is about the issues men face and things I have experienced.

I hope you will be encouraged, challenged, and stirred to take action.

Proverbs 27:17 (The Message)

17 You use steel to sharpen steel, and one friend sharpens another


ighteous   E ncouraging   A ccountable   L oving 


ely on    C hrist's   K indness

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dreams from the Dream Giver

My last several posts have been hard to write and have stirred old memories. This post will be about the dreams God has given me that have their roots in my youth and the events that resulted from my experiences.

God has planted in me a passion to be an instrument that He uses to help men overcome the things that keep them from achieving the passions He has placed in their hearts. He has given me a passion for the addicted, the rejected and the down trodden.

Look within your heart and find that one thing that God has placed there that burns when you think about it. What experiences have you had that reinforce it? God can use those experiences and the burning in your heart to touch the lives of others.

I encourage you to down the following:
1. Discover the burn in your heart.
2. Examine your life events.
3. Find a mentor who will encourage you to follow a dream.
4. Get the education to make your dream come true.
5. Pursue it.
6. Before you do any of the above pray, pray and do some more praying.

I believe it was Ben Franklin that said, "Most men are buried when they are 60 years old but quit living when they are 25 years old". Men don't quit living, don't give up on your dreams, get up out of that easy chair and quit watching television and move forward to accomplishing your dream.

A couple great books for you to read that will help you go through this process are:

"Leadership Lesson from the Civil War" by Tom Wheeler

"The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson

If the links do not work you can purchase "Leadership Lessons from the Civil War" at Amazon and "The Dream Giver" from ChristianBook.com. Both links can be found at the bottom of the blog. Clicking those links will provide me with a small commission.

Please share your dream with us by leaving a comment. We will pray for you to know God's will concerning your dream. I look forward to reading about your dream.


Kê!τh™ said...

Thanks for leaving me a comment Lars.

Anonymous said...

Hi Larry,
I've been reading and not responding only because I am in a rush. Great job of relating. Men all over the place need to hear what you have to say and connect with someone. Another guy somewhere would be better than holding it in...it's a freeing procees that allows you to move forward. Many of us have been stuck for so long we don't know how to move forward we don't know which way to go we just trudge through the day. Within the last year I've broke through in an unexpecteded way. I finally realized that I do have a dream and I am pursuing it. Sometimes it takes more than one person to mentor you, don't be afraid to reach out. Larry you are doing a great job buddy. Don't stop now you are on a roll. God Bless you for sharing.


Over the Road Coffee said...


Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep moving forward to your dream! Don't allow people, obstacles or doubts stand in the way of you reaching your God given dream.